Pastoral Care
When you or another church member are hospitalized, have outpatient surgery, or experience a time of tragedy or crisis, your pastors and trained lay ministers want to be there for you. For our Pastoral Care ministry to be successful in serving the congregation, there must be an open flow of communication from church members to the Central UMC office. Please contact the church office or one of the pastors to let us know of your needs.
Many people reach a point in life when they are no longer able to come to church regularly, but they remain beloved members of our community. Please contact the church office if you or another church member is entering this phase of life and would like a visit. Trained lay visitors, Stephen Ministers, and our clergy work as a team to provide care.
The flowers from the altar at Sunday morning worship services are divided and taken to the homebound or hospitalized as an outreach ministry. This gift of visitation brings the church family into the homes of those who are no longer physically able to attend church. We are always looking for people to help in this ministry. Please contact the church office if you would like to assist.