Worship is central to the life of a Christian, and we invite you to worship with us this Sunday. We offer two different worship services each Sunday and other special services during the year.
9:00 A.M.-Contemporary Service in Central Hall Sunday Mornings
The lively atmosphere of this informal service is inspirational. InnerChange & CentralYouthPraise, our two praise bands, lead the singing in this service, which features many contemporary Christian songs. You will feel the Spirit of God through the music, prayer and biblical message. You are welcome to bring your coffee into this worship service!
11:00 A.M.- Traditional Service in Sanctuary Sunday Mornings
This service is held in the grand and spacious Sanctuary surrounded not only by stained glass windows, but the deep love of acceptance and comfort of our cherished religious traditions. This formal worship service follows a printed order of worship, with music led by our chancel choir accompanied by our mighty 3-manual 41-rank Cassavant pipe organ.
Dinner Church Tuesday Evenings at 6:00 P.M.
A free meal and brief worship experience in a casual, laid-back atmosphere. Come join us as we connect around God’s table. All are welcome!”
Holy Communion
We usually celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion in all Sunday services on the first Sunday of each month. We also celebrate Holy Communion during Holy Week and on Christmas Eve.
Combined Services
Christmas and Easter are always occasions for special worship services. We hold additional services at Christmas and during Holy Week. In December, our Stephen Ministers offer a Service of Solace for those who are grieving during the holidays.
*Worship Bulletins may now be found on the Resources page.