Sonshine Class for Adults with Special Needs
Sonshine Class for Adults with Special Needs began as a result of the mission committee in 2006. Central had three families who had special needs individuals. In spring of 2007 the Sonshine class began. We had very dedicated and experienced volunteer teachers. Goals for the class include learning about god, individual instruction, and most importantly of all, having fun. The teachers are qualified volunteer church members. The Sonshine class meets every Sunday at 10:00 am in classroom 113. Two or three times a year they do special things, going out for birthdays, etc. We currently have six members in our class.
Twice a year Central UMC sponsors county-wide special parties:
One in February, featuring bingo, which normally brings around 100 people.
There is also an October dance, with a meal and bingo. Check the Central UMC newsletter for dates and times.
Everything we do is open to visitors. All are welcome! Please come join us!