United Women in Faith

ABOUT US                                 

United Women of Faith (United Methodist Women) are very active in the missions of the community and the church. One joins UMW by committing to our purpose through participation in meetings, prayer, study, giving, action and service. We encourage circle membership for the benefits of friendship, fellowship, communication and support that these groups provide.

Programs are planned to include all four emphases stated in our purpose; Spiritual Growth, Social Action, Education and Interpretation, and Membership and Outreach.

OUR PURPOSE                            

The organized unit of the United Methodist Women is a community of faith whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

MISSIONS & MEETINGS                            

The missions and meeting of Central’s UMW are wide in scope…some support missions, others aid in the spiritual growth of those who attend. The list below is just an example… please contact a member of  the UMW to learn about specific upcoming events and meetings.

  •   Heart-to-Heart Brunch/Luncheon
  •   WNCC Annual Meeting at Lake Junaluska
  •   Vacation Bible School Dinners
  •   Advent by Candlelight/Christmas Tea
  •   Walter Bickett prayer partners, volunteers and backpack program
  •   Fundraiser – Bake Sale, ABC Sale and Central’s Women Show


Lessie Anne Circle

Meets: First Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. at Central in the church library

Contact: Mary Engel,  704.226.1176

Our members share fellowship and support one another in needful times. We learn through educational programs and Bible and mission studies.

Faith, Hope & Charity Circle

Meets: Second Monday 1:30 p.m. at the church in Hospitality Room

Contact:  Nancy Gustufson 704.733.8686

An active circle that is open to women of all ages. Our programs are as various as are our members…book reviews, Bible studies, local speakers.

Grace & Mercy Circle

Meets: Third Wednesday at 6:30 pm

Contact: Donna Young – 704.226.5954

This  circle supports many mission projects with funds from our annual sub sale.

New Beginnings Circle

Meets: Third Monday at 7:00 pm at Central in the Hospitality Room

Contact: Linda Deese, 704.219.7199;  Irene Ward, 704.289.3337

The focus is on local, national and international mission projects. Our programs are educational and focus on women’s issues.

UMW Luncheon Series: