Rev. Dr. Bill White, Jr.

Senior Minister

Dr. Bill (or Pastor Bill) was born in Salisbury, NC to Mrs. Brenda W. White and Rev. Dr.
William M. White, Sr. (Deceased). He is married to Stephanie Lawrence-White, Ph.D. of
Trevose, PA, and they are parents of one daughter, who is in college. Stephanie is a Historical Musicologist, who has performed extensive research in Florence, Italy, a former Department Chair at two colleges and universities, an associate professor of music, and a classical pianist.

Dr. Bill preached his initial sermon on December 18, 1988, almost 36 years ago, at Little
Rock A.M.E. Zion Church in Charlotte, NC, where his father was the pastor at the time. He
graduated from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC, with a BA in Political Science
and from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, with a Master of Divinity Degree,
and a Doctor of Ministry Degree.

Dr. Bill has preached across the world, including at the St. James Church in Florence,
Italy, and has served as a Senior Pastor for 26 years both in Maryland and North Carolina. He is a Full Elder in Full Connection of The United Methodist Church.

Dr. Bill believes in a holistic approach to ministry and to meeting the needs of people. He also believes that the church is called to model its mission and ministry after the ministry of Jesus Christ, which addresses the spiritual, physical, and social needs and concerns of individuals.  He believes in providing relevant ministries and programs to address people’s daily needs and concerns. The spiritual formation of believers is the foundation for ministry. For the church to engage in effective ministry and grow, people must develop and grow spiritually, first, and then the church will grow numerically and financially.

Dr. Bill also believes in equipping the laity for ministry, and that an educated and trained
laity is essential for effective ministry. The Methodist church believes in the priesthood of all
believers. Every believer, not just the clergy, is called to ministry, therefore, there is enough work for everyone. “Truly the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”

Dr. Bill further believes that worship is vital to the church’s identity as the body of Christ,
and to the church’s sense of mission and ministry. The congregation is empowered to do ministry when the believers assemble to worship God and to praise God for the marvelous things that God has done. Each church member is called to give due attention to worship and to attend the means of grace. Since the pandemic, Dr. Bill feels that we have an opportunity to be creative and re-imagine ways to do ministry and impact communities. From children to senior adults, everyone can use their gifts and talents to help the church provide vital and effective ministry.