Kermit and Janie Starnes Scholarship

2023/2024 Application Process is Open
Click here for the Intent to Apply form

Scholarship Questions:  Virginia Duncan –
Application Questions:  Julie Miles –

Through the generosity of the Starnes Family, the youth of Central have been the recipients of 124 scholarships totaling $807,700 since 2013.  Scholarships are available to active youth of Central who are committed to growing in their faith while furthering their education.

How to Apply

1. Complete the Intent to Apply.
2. Your application will be sent to you via an email link – March 2, or within two days of receiving your “Intent to Apply” after March 2. The deadline for applications for Starnes scholarship is May 9th
3. Your application link will be accessible, and your application editable until the  May 9th 5:00pm deadline.
4. The decision of the committee will be made by May 25th.

1. Full-time student status (12-hour min)
2. Cumulative GPA of 2.5
3.  Yearly check-in / interview
4.  Attendance at Youth Sunday in June

1.  The application process must be completed yearly.
2.  All information requested by the committee is confidential.
3.  Award is at the discretion of the committee.
4.  Eligibility – Students will be eligible for the Starnes scholarship for a maximum of 8 semesters to graduating high school seniors and undergraduate students.
5.  Transcripts – Students will be required to submit an official transcript at the time of application and an unofficial transcript at the end of the fall semester to validate GPA and full-time status.

Scholarship Committee            

Chair:  Virginia Duncan

Matt Gustafson

Libby Helms

Rena McGee-Helms

Brenda Atchley

Missy Elliott

Lanny Lancaster

Julie Miles

Edited March 2023